Took a three day hike in Grövelsjön with my brother, we stayed at STF Grövelsjön one day before we headed out on our hike. Walked down to the lake and explored around, the weather was cold and windy but it was beautiful.​​​​​​​
I took along my Canon A-1 (35mm film camera). Shot three rolls through the hike
We had changing weather 5°C and headwinds of about 16-18 m/s
Took a break in Särsjökojan, brewed coffee and warmed us by the fire.
First day we did about 18 km because we took a detour on the road to warm us in Särsjöstugan. Our destination was Grötvallsjön but we ended up at Mjölkstävan 1.5 km away. We pitched our tent at the foot, rested ate and drank coffee, later on we headed out to climb Mjölkstävan and look at the views
Mjölkstävan peak is 1068 m from the sea. We walked about 770 m with the climb to reach the top. You can barely see the tent down there.
You can brew tea on heather it has a calming effect
Had a cold night, it was windy and the temperature went below zero, our sleeping bags only have a comfort of 7°C. When we woke up the sun was shining and we went out to get some warmth
Followed the track down to Hävlingen
The mountain forest is so beautiful, the birch is shaped after cold winters and strong winds, they grow slowly and crooked like curved figures.
Saw reindeer tracks and a few minutes later they ran out of the forest right in front of us, we did not even hear them. I took some pictures with my analog camera and hope that i nailed the focus
Found this shelter and slept there for the night, walked back to STF Grövelsjön the next day. We hiked a total of about 42 km

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