My siblings and I hiked up to Tangsjöarna on snowshoes in Fulufjället National Park and stayed there for four days. We hiked from Brottbäckstugan, it is approximately 8 km hike. On the way up it was pretty cold -18c and crosswind but it was nice​​​​​​​
Särnmanskojan, took a break here drank coffee and got warm before continuing to Tangsjöarna
We had to start chopping wood so we could keep the fire going for a few days.​​​​​​​
At night we had -23c and it was really windy
A group with dog sleds arrived at night to stay at Tangsjöstugan
The rest of the days we had fog and snow so the weather was just a white out
We were going to hike to Göljån, but we had to turn around after a bit. We didn't see anything because of the weather and it gets dark quickly.
When we hiked back to Brottbäckstugan we had to walk in line to see the signs, everything was like a big white room and you got dizzy. It was really hard to see anything
Siberian Jay

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